How to save the world!— Or at least just your workshop…

So I’ll admit that for the better part of the lecture I was really confused. Sometimes I forget that it’s a professional development course and I haven’t had many of I’m often very confused about what I’m suppose to be learning. But then I realized that reflecting is a very important element to the learning experience.

I really enjoyed watching my classmates screencast, it was interesting to see how different they all were and it was nice that we provided feedback for them. I would love to watch the 3 that were A+ quality! I’d really like to see what they did and how it differs from mine so that I can try it differently next time. ( If you were one of the 3 and you’re reading this comment please) Reflecting on my own screencast now that I have gotten a grade was pretty useful too. I can see some area like pronunciation that I will definitely work towards improving.

In class we also watch a Ted talk given by Jane McGonigal. I always enjoy listening to her because you can tell how passionate she is about her work and passing the joy to others. Afterward she took a quick survey and looked at how different elements can effect how workshop participants feel like the experience. Sometimes things are a little out of your control, like the time and the comfort level of the chairs. Even the temperature in the room can throw off a workshop. However those are things that presenters really can’t do much about. But there are a number of others thinks that a presenter can do that can improve how participants perceive to be the quality of the workshop.  Things like the pace and the visual aids can really impact a workshop. Its something most people think this common sense but its unappreciated important part to any presentation.

I also learnt that you shouldn’t ask for feedback if you don’t really want it. I think this is funny but I’m sure people do it all the time. There so much to making a workshop great and I really hope I can master them all!

Til next time….shhhh

One comment

  1. It’s funny that you mentioned how we talked about not asking for feedback if you didn’t want it! It’s something Krista and I kept in mind for our book club and our one-shot workshop surveys, but we still got feedback that we didn’t want. I’m not talking about negative feedback – we had some, but we took it in stride. It was more about getting feedback that wasn’t necessarily helpful. Some of it could have been further clarified by the respondents, but other issues we had could have been solved by us by phrasing questions in a clearer way. I guess what I’m saying is that sometimes even the feedback we want isn’t really want we want.

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